Dynamic product retargeting means serving those who have been to products on your website ads with those exact products after they’ve visited them with the hope of pushing them to purchase.

Recut’s pixel records all visitors to all products in your store. Recut creates a unique iteration of each creative asset for every product in your store. Then, when the creative runs, at the time of ad serve, the creative featuring the product that the viewer has visited before is shown.

A vast tag is a snippet of XML code that acts as a creative asset. It’s trafficked right in the DSP or ad server like any other video creative.

Recut does not run media, however we have several media partners who we can happily refer you to depending on what you’re looking for for your campaigns.

Yes! There’s an option for you to upload your own .mp4 instead of using our sound tracks.

Recut’s Shopify integration updates weekly or upon manual refresh, so you don’t have to worry about making sure your day-to-day store changes are reflected in the application.

Yes! As long as the templates are the same length and there are no overlaps in the collections applied to each template.

Yes! Well connected TV, or streaming, specifically. Dynamic retargeting is widespread across display and social media. Recut takes that tried and true concept and applies it to the biggest screen in the house.

Right now Recut only works for Shopify stores, however we’re working on integrations with all the major players in e-commerce. Stay tuned for product release updates and new store partners.

Don’t worry! The default ad that’s served if the viewer hasn’t checked out any of your products will show the most popular product in your store.

AI helps us generate studio quality ads for every product in your store within a single template in minutes. It makes sure that all the assets generated regardless of the product are professional and aesthetically pleasing.

Not necessarily! Recut solves for two problems. First, it makes retargeting campaigns more effective. Second, it makes asset production and testing in general easier and more cost effective. Even if you’re running a prospecting campaign, the second value proposition holds true.

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